Monday, February 24, 2014

Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash Review and Giveaway

Our family almost exclusively uses body wash. When I was given the chance to try new Dial Vitamin Boost Body wash through Purex Insiders, I jumped at the chance.  I received in the mail a full size bottle in exchange for my honest opinion of the product.  I used the body wash first and almost giggled when the wash first came out.  It worked great and had a fresh scent and nice lather.  I did not share my opinion with my husband who was next to try it.  

We both had the same reaction.  Wow does it look like slime!

We are now a week in and my husband absolutely loves it. He thinks it lathers really well and the scent is not overpowering but sticks with you.  I like it as well, though I must admit I have hard a hard time getting over the color and thinking about if the ingredients are natural.   Would I buy the Dial Vitamin Boost Body Wash again, yes.  The lotion infused wash left my skin soft at a really tough time of year.   You can give it a try too, just enter to win one of 2 coupons I will be giving away for Dial Body Wash.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It certainly looks like slime! I bet my son would love to use this because of that very fact. I prefer to use a body wash!

  2. my girls would love the green slime so that's a plus :)

  3. I prefer body wash but do like a nice beauty bar from time to time.

  4. I prefer body wash. My hubby prefers soap.

  5. Body wash is easier, but I prefer soap because it lasts longer and costs less.

  6. I prefer body wash since it doesn't seem to leave a film behind like soap does.

  7. I prefer body wash. Thanks for the giveaway! DamianMom at yahoo dot com

  8. I prefer body wash because it doesn't leave soap scum on the bathtub!

  9. I love body wash, thanks!

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  10. Body Wash!

  11. Love the suds with Body Wash!

  12. I prefer body wash because there is a greater selection of scents.

  13. body wash

  14. My husband digs body wash but I kinda like homemade soaps!

  15. I prefer body wash i think it's so much easier to use.

  16. I think I use both equally....and the brand is 85% Dial body wash and 100% Dial bar soap - I won't use any other brand of bar soap.

  17. I prefer body wash
    Mary Beth Elderton

  18. I prefer body wash! Especially in the winter, my skin gets so dry so body wash can help nourish more than soap does.

  19. I like them both...soap when I am in a hurry and body wash when I have more time!

  20. I prefer body wash but also use bar soap. I think body wash is more moisturizing on my skin.
    Thank you!

  21. I prefer body wash. thank you


  22. I like body wash the best. I think it gives a better lather!

  23. I prefer body wash

    evans s
    alliana88m aT yahoo DOT com

  24. I am a body wash user... bar soap dries out my skin

  25. I prefer to use Body Wash.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. Definitely body wash!

    Jenny Stanek

  27. I prefer body wash! I love the scents it comes in!

  28. I definitely prefer body wash. Soap gets funky.

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