When Couponchief.com approached me to write a paid review of their site, I was anxious to find out more about their site before deciding if it was worth sharing with my friends. After a few days of perusing their site and researching what others thought, I felt it was certainly worth mentioning as a tool to save shoppers money. Since having the kids, I have significantly increased the amount of shopping I do online. Going to the store and dragging the kids with me isn’t always appealing and if you have little ones then you know just what I mean. One of the biggest benefits to shopping online is that you can search for the best deal within minutes and can be assured that you are getting the most for your money.
Couponchief.com aids shoppers in getting the best deal by providing users with more than one hundred thousand codes. If you are shopping online, before you think about checking out, go to Couponchief.com and search for unique codes. Many of the codes are for money off or free shipping. There are two ways to search for codes. One is by store name, but a second is by product type. So if you are looking for a deal on baby formula, you can simply search for formula.
There is a second way to utilize Couponchief.com that can equal profits for you. If you find a coupon for an online store and share it through this website, Couponchief.com pays you for each time someone uses your code. So the next time you get a catalog, with a code for free shipping or $10 off $50 hop right over to your computer to see if you are the first to submit this code.
This site is certainly worth bookmarking especially if you can get codes to submit to their site. Couponchief.com has generously offered one of my readers a $10 Paypal credit simply by liking their Facebook site.
One entry per facebook account, giveaway ends Sunday June 5th.
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