Friday, September 30, 2011

A Jar of Change

There is a jar of change gathering on our counter top. Cole is collecting found money and extra dollars. I have tried to teach him about giving and sharing with his toys, but so far it has not been such a success. I think this lesson though will work. It starts with a goal- to put all our extra change left in a jar. We have a dad in the house who likes to leave coins around where little fingers can pick them up. Now instead of sticking them in a bank with no purpose, we are collecting them for a Christmas gift for people far away.

You may know about Samaritan's Purse from the Christmas box program they run. We have participated in that a few times. Our gift catalog came from them today. Cole and I went through looking at all the things you can give. $10 gives a mosquito net, $8 sports gear, $120 gives an emergency shelter. It puts a purpose to donations which makes it all the more real for a child and for me too. Cole selected to give honeybees. For $35 we'll be providing bees.

I hope this is the start to opening Cole's heart to the joy of giving to others.

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