Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Balancing Act

Maybe you clicked on this link hoping to find the answer of how to do it all, do it right , and do it happily. Wrong blog my friend. We are managing to muddle throgh the busyness that is this season. We have balanced all the prep work while still trying to keep the kids involved in knowing the story behind the season. The problem is that I am pretty much exhausted by it all.

Roosters have invaded my children's body and so they are both up by 6:00, there was one glorious day that I got to sleep til 6:45 but it is now a distant memory (even though it was this week it feels like eons ago). By the time everyone is away snug in their beds, I am ready to collapse but instead I have been doing wrapping and cards. When the kids are up then it is a constant barrage of desires to make cookies and do crafts with a little down time watching some Christmas specials. It will all get done and will be worth it in the end, we are creating memories. I am saying yes to crafts hung everywhere, ornaments crooked and clumped on the tree, cookies before dinner, and lots of stories and songs since these are the important moments, I will sleep later in life.
As I finish this post my 4 year old just came and gave me a kiss saying mom here is a kiss cause you are under the whistletoe, now that is what life is about.

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