Sunday, September 16, 2012

Attack of the Character Clothing

I am not a mom that does a whole bunch of clothes shopping for her children.  This has been mostly because I have been blessed to receive lots of hand me downs.  This allows me to buy a few nice items to mix into their wardrobes each season.  Dressing Cole has been pretty simple, since he does not have too much of an opinion.  His favorite characters have long been super heroes and there is something very retro about what they offer in terms of Spiderman and Batman clothing.  Of course at around three years old he wanted some tacky blinking Spiderman shoes from Target and I obliged. 

Girl's clothing is so much more complex.  First of all by the amount of hand me downs I get for Cecily, it is apparent that people love to shop for girls.  I find it easiest to throw on a cotton dress or long top and leggings.  Cecily has her own ideas of what she wants to wear.  Her opinions started about the time she could walk and though I have been able to tame the temper tantrums over these decisions, most days she wants to wear a set of princess pajamas. 

I took Cecily to a high end consignment shop the other day. She has become princess obsessed, this to my dismay.  As we sorted through the tops in her size, her eyes lit up when she discovered a pink Cinderella sweatshirt and skirt set.  The only character item in the whole store.  She grabbed it, asked if she could have it of course I agreed.  Quickly, she ran it to the check out counter.  In the parking lot, she ripped her own clothes off to put her new and perhaps a little tacky Cinderella sweatsuit on.  Mind you it was 80 degrees.  It has since been worn most of the week.  Now if I could only get her that enthusiastic about the cute Gap top and matching headband I selected.

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